The settings for the directory are stored in app.config.ts
On this page we explain the settings so that you can configure your directory in the way you want. We also provide pre-made themes such that you can quickly get started 🚀
Predefined Themes
Copy paste into your app.config.ts
to obtain the style.
Spearmint Theme
Peppermint Theme
Brookmint Theme
Here we explain what each value in the settings will change.
- title
- logo
- iconLogo
- name
- description
- url
- favicon
- image
- emoji
- search
- grid
- featured
- tags
- tagPages
export default defineAppConfig({
general: {
title: "Minted Directory",
logo: "",
iconLogo: "fluent-emoji-flat:leaf-fluttering-in-wind",
site: {
// override the general settings for seo tags.
// leave empty for general priority.
// url is necessary for correct function of seo module.
name: "Nuxt Starters",
description: "Find the best nuxt starter kits.",
url: "",
favicon: {
image: "",
emoji: "🤝🏽",
directory: {
search: {
placeholder: "Search among {0} tools",
icon: "tabler:bow",
tags: {
// options: none,select,show-all,
display: "select",
intersection: false,
grid: {
list: false,
emptyState: {
text: "Seems that this entry is missing from the archives.",
// options: button, simple, link
type: "button",
icon: "tabler:exclamation-mark",
card: {
image: true,
// options: dashed, shadow, outline, bullet
type: "shadow",
submit: {
show: true,
first: false,
title: "Submit a template",
"Submit a template to show off a good project to other people.",
hideable: true,
featured: {
showOnAllPages: true,
showOnSide: true,
icon: "tabler:star",
labelForCard: "Featured ✨",
tags: [
{ name: "SAAS", color: "blue" },
{ name: "dashboard", color: "green" },
{ name: "landing-page" },
{ name: "toolbox" },
{ name: "agency" },
{ name: "markdown-based" },
{ name: "basics", color: "indigo" },
tagPages: {
title: "Available {0} products:",
"View all available tools and templates in the {0} category...",
header: {
banner: {
show: true,
text: "Create your own directory website in minutes.",
link: "",
brandText: "MintedDirectory",
navbar: {
colorModeSelector: true,
links: [
{ name: "Directory", to: "/" },
{ name: "Blog", to: "/blog" },
{ name: "Advertise", to: "/advertise" },
name: "Analytics",
to: "",
target: "_blank",
actionButton: {
text: "Submit a starter",
href: "/submit",
footer: {
description: "Best directory for my niche.",
socials: {
github: {
link: "",
icon: "tabler:brand-github",
facebook: {
link: "",
icon: "tabler:brand-facebook",
instagram: {
link: "",
icon: "tabler:brand-instagram",
x: {
link: "",
icon: "tabler:brand-twitter",
youtube: {
link: "",
icon: "tabler:brand-youtube",
ui: {
icons: {
dark: "tabler:moon",
light: "tabler:sun",